Friday 19 July 2013

The Grudge: because we do count

I discover from the redoubtable Ian Bone that, following publication of my Guardian piece on the white-out of the British working class, one of the girlfriends of one of the participants in the all-white "Spirit of '45" who I quoted, is phoning round defining me as a chippy Chinese "actress"* with a grudge about slave labour. As opposed to leftists who think slave labour is OK.

Funny I should feel grudgy about being exploited and the exclusion of ma bredren. How unreasonable of me.

I'm not expecting the wages I should have had for my full-time labour, but an apology and acknowledgment for the work I did would have been nice. And some sort of rethink about the value of Chinese workers in Britain.

You have seven days ...

[*Actresses please note, you're right down here with the Chinese. Shame, I rather like that Maxine Peake.]

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